Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine​

Wellbeing: Our Approach

Put some intro text here.

Leadership Engagement

Continue to be visible, connected to the frontline leaders, allow for ample opportunities for open communication, continue to support and advocate for our faculty.

Do our faculty feel safe, supported, valued, and professionally fulfilled?

Diversity, Equity & Inclustion (DEI)

Targeted efforts to create a culture that is diverse, equitable and inclusive.  This must be present at every level, throughout the department and our recruitment efforts. Visit our DEIB website.

Faculty Engagement & Development

  • Faculty Development award
  • Mentorship pairings
  • Peer mentorship groups
  • New faculty development group
  • Career conferences
  • Support for academic promotions
  • Leadership development courses

Faculty Support & Advocacy

  • Advertising all resources
  • Peer support
  • Education on physician suicide, destigmatizing mental health and substance abuse support
  • Leadership support and advocacy during adverse events
  • Increased administrative support (CV maintenance, reimbursements, event support


  • Excellence in Anesthesia award
  • Marina Bizzarri-Schmid award
  • BWPO & Pillar Awards
  • Annual promotions & awards dinner
  • Faculty Spotlight

Work Life Integration

  • Increased predictability with protected time for all faculty to allow some degree of flexibility, predictability, and time for development. (GACD Program)
  • BT Initiative

Equitable Compensation (Time, Work, Money)

  • Evaluation of non-clinical time (Time Committee)
  • Clinical commitment structure
  • Evaluation of call burden based on division
  • Evaluation of work expectations


  • Brigham Social Club
  • Perioperative Family Day
  • Women in Anesthesia
  • Recognition of significant life events: births & loss
  • Recognition of service and transitions